However today was crazy and I started at around 12pm and lost 2 buyins pretty sharpish, one was due to terrible play by me not realising the set and not having dispiline to fold the aces, and the other was a cooler and I later had a small loss around 60 down so far . So after comming off a loss this wasnt a great start of getting back on my feet.
I then said that no matter what I'm gunna play through my beats and as long as I felt I was playing correctly and I wasnt tilting or letting it controll my play and I wouldn't stop until I was even or slightly up, just to make myself realise that I'm better than these mistakes I'm making and if I play long enough I would be even or up alittle if I played enough hands. You have to rember a day before i took a 4 buyin loss and I thought it would be bad on my mental attitude if i took another loss like that again.
(this is said to be bad I guess but why should I quit for a day if I felt i was playing right)
It didnt ment I played scared, I chose spots and played through some horrousious bad beats and in the end after 2000 hands in one session ended 5 up LOL but it was more about me knowing I could play better than most on the table and me trying to prove it to myself and I did make back and alittle more of what i lost, comming back after a big loss knowing u played ur best and achieved what u wanted feels great hopefully I can turn the next few days in to more profit and make back the 4 buyin loss day which has threw me off schduele, but I feel stronger for the loss, so just to round off my session with two videos that are cheesy as hell!
although the rocky vid is nice for poker bad beats lol
and also remember! (time for some 80s cheese!)
Here is some great sites to try out:
- Learn poker at DragtheBar for 7 days free! click here
- PKR is a cool 3D poker site, also super soft! PKR Poker
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