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Friday, 2 April 2010

First night Grind went pretty well

I'm pretty happy with my result tonight, I made some pretty big folds, and stole some pots that wasn't mine and I had perfect timing tonight.

Pushing me up 50 towards my goal I played around 200 hands not a long grind at all but its getting late!

Friday nights is always a night of suprises, the play standard is just ridiclous at 25nl and i'm sure upwards as well, the average vp is like at least 40 to 90
making it the best night in poker (shame I was in work all day!!)

but lets go through some intresting hands I was in.

In this hand I just sat down on the table and posted, I checked it preflop and the flop I land a seemingly large monster, I bet 25 cents hoping to induce a re raise from a queen or flush draw and also just to see where I was.

Everyone just flats, I was ment to make a pot sized be here on the turn but misclcked and checked it, the river I try and make up the value I missed on the turn by bettign $4 hoping a queen would call, instead I was re raised MASSIVE now when i see this raise i just thought what am I beating here really? kq,jj, or a complete bluff also my kicker is pretty bad although I dont think he has an ace here since he would have shown more agression on flop an turn the only hand I can think of is a set on the turn or river, the player is very tight I have played alot with him in the past and he shows me alot of respect usually, so when I see this I know I'm beaten and I fold, he said later on he had the boat.


This hand was very nice for me the hand plays its self really but I think this player has seen me bluff him in the past and I showed it to him a few times so I think after all the re raises and me shoving he just thought I was full of it, also trip kings is hard to fold in that spot I would probably have gone bust on that hand also but his slow play bit him on the ass there alittle, although to think of it i was never folding there unless the raise was like $2 where I get no odds to call.


This table was just a fish tank, and there was alot of funky raises and calls so I decided that the first fish who intially raised who had like a 70 vpip was more than likley behind my ajs on the button, and the other 2 callers are even worse one being 90 vp and the otehr is 75ish and i've seen them call raises with k6o so I make a
a beefy raise, they all call building value with my hand the pot is now pretty big and the intial raise only bets $1 in to a $11 pot one folds one calls so I decide to bet $5 here just so that no draws get there since I really think I'm ahead here, intial raiser calls , other folds, he checks the turn so I think maybe hes on a draw to the flush or a weak ace so I bet 5 again he then timebanks for a while and shoves, at this point I feel pretty strong here and make the call, and was very happy about how much value I got from the fish.

so overall I was pretty spot on tonight, hopefully I can keep this up.

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