So far so good
Its a new month and a new stake and I'm able to play 50nl again. The first day I played I was up $300 at 50nl and I'm up $150 at 25nl this month by mixing in the tables and trying to choose the juicer games. Over the solid regsso in total this month I've already made $450.
In five days this was welcomed as you can imagine since I generally thought I would be down when moving back up the first week since I would have to adjust, but I didnt really have to do much of that. I think if you can truly crush 25nl games and I meen CRUSH It leaves you a very solid base for the 50nl game.
I've crammed in a alot of hands so far this month in just 5 days 3.3k hands and I'm working so thats pretty hard for me! Still a microscopic small sample size and nothing to really take away from my results so far this month. Lets see how I fair after 10k+ hands at the end of this month hopefully all is well.
Most sensible Idea I've ever had? - Probably
To be honest though I feel alot more cool headed when I play 25nl since if I have a loosing session its no biggy . And as for 50nl its no biggy..... in theory - but it really is lol.
So even though after the success I've already had at 50nl I'm still probably gunna play 25nl just more tables like 7+ tables of 25nl since I can reach the longterm with that and feel relaxed.
Where as if I played 50nl I really have to play 4 tables (MAX) and be focused on the shortterm if all goes bad I think its all about game selection. I will play 50nl constantly when I feel I have a strong edge over the competition but I think I will focus on more tables and higer volume of hands at a stake I have a high winrate and where varaince doesnt bother me as much.
My bankroll is so strong at 25nl its pretty laughable, and since reading the pokermindset and the psychological effects of poker and also reading 'Treat your poker like a buisness' by dusty schmidt he says 100 buyins at a givin stake is the best way to play poker.
I dont have 100 buyins at 25nl but I'm pretty dam comfortable to take losses were 50nl I'm not so much. I think 50 buyins at 50nl would be most optimal for constant play I'm not far off it at all which streangthens why I should play more volume at 25nl. Like I said though if I feel I can play a game of 50nl and have an edge I will, but I will be playing 25nl far more.
so what about a goal?
Well after reading The poker mindset I've kinda looked at setting goals as not to great since if I set a goal and dont reach it where does that leave me? and does this goal make me protective of my wins and losses?For instance if I see a juicy 50nl game might I play scared? when I nearly reached my goal for the month? I might do subconsiousally when I should be thinking about the longterm expectation of playing that game. And for that reason I think the only goal I should be setting is the amount of hands I will play this month.
after I have reached the milestone hand mark I will review my month and tell you how it went. The most optimal goal in poker is to play well at all times no matter the outcome and to think of the longterm. How can I do that thinking about short term results? Its for that reason I'm no longer setting short term goals. It might be not as sexy as $ amounts made for the month but longterm its going to make me the most money.
If I play more hands the quicker I meet the longterm so thats the only goal I should have.
Hand Milestone this month - 10K hands - lets see how I manage it.
Fast Poker News
How does this man sleep?
How does this man sleep?
...Gus hansen epic downswing or epic online donk? you decide.
Well I was pretty shocked to find that a famous poker pro such as Gus Hansen is actually down...
9 million!
yes all - YOU officially have made more money at online poker than Gus Hansen! You would have though after he lost say 3 million he would say okay my games not great and maybe I should move down? I'm really suprised by this obviously he has a very nice sponsorship deal with fulltilt but that surley cant pay that void of cash game neglegence he's shown. I actually love watching him live since his style is very exciting to watch but online it just isnt translating at all well, hopefully he can make an epic comeback, but this news to me seemed sickning to say the least.
Bad day on PKR?
Good Luck at the tables.
Here is some great sites to try out:
- Learn poker at DragtheBar for 7 days free! click here
- PKR is a cool 3D poker site, also super soft! PKR Poker
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