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Thursday, 26 August 2010

Back to basics 25nl AND THIS BLOG!


I'm deciding to post alot more than usual, I want to try and make it a daily thing everytime I play, it helps my game alot and its nice to look back on these blog entries.

Todays Grind:

Well so far early morning today and part of yesterday I started at around 9pm didnt stop till 2am so 6 hour session I stuck with 3 tables and then cut down to 2 when I felt my mind/interest slipping and for the time being still trying to get used to the pkr v2.0 interface.

It didn't really go well I was down $50 for the session but it was mainly to blame for suckouts and just weird plays I forgot people do make at 25nl. I also noticed the later it got mainly around midnight there was plenty of fish, but with these type of agressive fish you do need a hand and the times I got one it got sucked out on or i just didnt get to many, It's nothing new and is pretty much standard as poker goes.

*EDIT* Just finished the session for the day I fit in an extra 3 hours when I finished all my errands for the day and I'm only $25 down...its not much but it all adds up! 1 BUYIN loss day meh I've had 150 down days at times so this doesnt really touch me/bother me lol

Here is a few hands of interest that shaped todays grind:

Hand 1

Well this is the first hand I tangled with this guy with, he played very aggressivley from what I seen from him,so preflop flat called because i didnt want to build a massive pot with this guy on the flop I hit, and now after I re raise his big bet I wanted him to feel he should push allin with a hand like a10, k10, j10 and all flush draws since he commited $3 on flop. I wanted him to hanghimself but with aces the hand played its self shame about the runner draw mind.

Hand 2

This hand I feel I should've gotten away from, sure hes an aggro donk but he did something weird preflop with the 1.30 raise it definatley ment he had a big hand also
and when he instant ships the flop I gotta figure set or overs here every time, sure he might have a9s or some other crap but its more times likley he has jacks beaten

Hand 3

Just not ever folding in this spot versus a high vpip player 60-70%

Hand 4
Low stacked high vpip once again, not folding.

Hand 5
Well this hand just confuses me alittle I think I played it alright but could've played it better by betting the turn deffinatley, however the reason at the time I never made that play was becuase I thought he maybe had a set or two pair, but this is irrational fear and on the turn I should be betting there knowing how bad the player is (70+vpip spazzy player)although even if I did bet turn he was alaways calling maybe even raising which would have put me in a weird spot definatley, Maybe the check was alright for pot controll and playing it easy but the river seemed like a block bet to me at the time I really didnt think he had a random 6 making trips I thought busted flush draw or kq

Hand 6
This hand was kinda intresting I bet big on flop and he calls making me think maybe flush draw maybe he has an ace, turn comes ace but the flush I put him on also just gets there he checks I check to see what river action he takes he checks again telling me that most the time he doesnt have the flush since it was his last street of value so now I can assume he has a weaker ace or he carried on stupidly with jack x ...maybe hard to tell what he had since he doesnt call river so maybe not ace more likley jack thinking I was on a bluff.

now to finish, bad session but with alot of bad situations its only natural

a quote that could be used for poker
'when life hands you lemons.....say fuck the lemons and bail'

See what tommorow or maybe today later on brings...yea

and lets round it up with a youtube vid of a guy from the projects who's sister nearly got raped serious topic eh?, but the funny way he expalined it got youtube people creative...then they came out with this pretty funny autotune
(check out the posters other vids tons of autotune stuff...hillarious)

Here is some great sites to try out:
  • Learn poker at DragtheBar for 7 days free! click here
  • PKR is a cool 3D poker site, also super soft! PKR Poker

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Poker depression: Just got out of it, had to take a break, but i'm back

Well its been a while since I played nevermind updated this, but its been due to the fact I needed a break from poker, and I guess a break to sort my life out.

its been a while since I updated this so here is the bad news firstly

*I've dropped down from 50nl to 25nl:

this was a hard pill to swallow as you can imagine.

It wasnt due to the fact I couldnt beat the game, since I was beating it regulary and making a decent amount. The problem was, around the time I moved to 50nl I had a fianancial issue with my rent, it went up slightly and my real job wasnt even paying the full amount. So poker was needed to pay part of the rent and then I had to pay myself living costs so I had to use poker every month I had to give myself at least living costs on top of my rent. First month this was easy, since I already did well in my first month of 50nl so I withdrew a decent amount and just made a point of keeping an extra $500 on top of my bankroll I could use to cushion.

On Hindsight this is were my problems started I made it so that my bankroll couldnt grow and became more succeptable to a downswing becuase of it, after adding up all I made I could have moved up to 100nl very comfortably rolled right now, but bills. And my relecutance to do overtime in work which I now realise would have been the most +Ev decession for my bankroll since it could have just kept growing un hindered, however being part time employed, and the soul crushing job that it is I chose poker :)

it was around the 3rd month I started getting in to trouble I withdrew a fair amount again but this time I had to take money off my cushion just to pay the minimum living costs. And after that I had a very bad run in halfway to month 4 I lost 600 it was bad play and bad luck combined which is the most fatal combination for a bankroll. It put me in a very bad situation being rent was comming up and my bankroll for 50nl was average 20buyin...I dont like average buyins it adds stress on top of what I was already doing. But I now had a poker decission away from the table, If I continued to play 50nl I could've seriously damaged my bankroll if I downswinged more and made the process of playing 50nl alot harder and getting back up to 50nl was also a concenern if i lost 10 buyins for example.

So I bit the bullet and said I gotta move down.

I always remember an article I read saying that your never a 50nl player or 100nl player...your a poker player and you have to move down or up according to you as a poker player thinks is the best option, I seen this as my best option since in a month i could be back at 50nl cracking heads again rather than risking more of my roll to do so.

But this puts me in a real life problem.... so I decided to do some more soul crushing work overtime, but in the middle of this I realised how stupid i was to try and go pretty much pro with such a low bankroll and also realising i played bad , put me in this spot wasnt a help neither. I decided that poker was something i wanted to do still after having a taste for it isnt glamarous at all and its STRESSFULL but...i'm kinda sick and I enjoy the ups and downs in one way.

I eventually will turn pro however, I have to sort my mind out first, I cant be worrying about bills and money, poker money and real life should never interjecht. unless ur playing high enough and have the skill and bankroll to support it. So this meens I'm gunna do a course in a subject i wouldnt mind working in, it should take less than a year to be earning decent amount of money in a job i wouldnt mind doing, but doing this I think is a smart option, if i have decent money it meens i can play higher games and steadily improve my skill with 1 on 1 coaching, also its nice to have that to fall back on.

for the time being slight soul crushing overtime but you will probably see more of me on the tables soon, growing my bankroll...not withdrawing it!!

I've only recently got my head around playing again since I've been working alot and had alot on my mind with poker. This is were my depression came in the feeling of failure, however I learnt more from my failure than I have of my success in poker I came back playing recently to get back on my feet, and I realised that its not the end of the world and 50nl isnt far away from playin again I know I'm a winning player at 25nl with very good winrate so it shouldnt be a problem when I reach 50nl I should rocket up since I wont be withdrawing.

seeing how serious I got in this post here is something to light it up some

And also a real amazing youtube vid I came across I just had to share.
(dont usually post this sorta thing but why not?), check it out
guy is talented!

Here is some great sites to try out:
  • Learn poker at DragtheBar for 7 days free! click here
  • PKR is a cool 3D poker site, also super soft! PKR Poker